WHERE : AND menu = 'a' AND ksfc_pbloDspCd = '1' AND in_check >= 300 AND in_check < 520 AND in_check != 400 AND (start_date<=CURDATE() AND end_date>=CURDATE()) OR start_date> CURDATE()
WHERE2 : AND menu = 'a' AND in_check >= 300 AND in_check < 520 AND in_check != 400 AND (A.start_date<=CURDATE() AND A.end_date>=CURDATE()) OR A.start_date> CURDATE()
[0] => 259
[number] => 259
[1] => 테스트프로젝트
[title] => 테스트프로젝트
[2] => 서울 영등포구 여의나루로 71(여의도동,동화빌딩)
[addr1] => 서울 영등포구 여의나루로 71(여의도동,동화빌딩)
[3] => 1005호
[address] => 1005호
[4] => 2024-04-29 16:15:00
[date] => 2024-04-29 16:15:00
[5] => 투자
[category] => 투자
[6] =>
[review] =>
[7] => 02-783-2296
[phone] => 02-783-2296
[8] =>
[build_date] =>
[9] => 0000-00-00
[new] => 0000-00-00
[10] => 0000-00-00
[pop] => 0000-00-00
[11] => 0000-00-00
[pick] => 0000-00-00
[12] => 0000-00-00
[spec] => 0000-00-00
[13] =>
[option1] =>
[14] => 테스트프로젝트 담당자
[option2] => 테스트프로젝트 담당자
[15] => kimyh@ian.re.kr
[mail] => kimyh@ian.re.kr
[16] =>
[img_1] =>
[17] =>
[img_2] =>
[18] =>
[img_3] =>
[19] =>
[img_4] =>
[20] =>
[img_5] =>
[21] =>
[img_6] =>
[22] =>
[img_7] =>
[23] =>
[img_8] =>
[24] =>
[img_9] =>
[25] =>
[img_10] =>
[26] => ian.re.kr
[homepage] => ian.re.kr
[27] => kimyh@ian.re.kr
[id] => kimyh@ian.re.kr
[28] => 테스트프로젝트 설명
[short_comment] => 테스트프로젝트 설명
[29] => /mallimg/2024/04/30//1714437567_8105_lasco_13451413.png
[img_0] => /mallimg/2024/04/30//1714437567_8105_lasco_13451413.png
[30] =>
[area] =>
[31] =>
[related] =>
[32] => 0
[inquire] => 0
[33] =>
[category2] =>
[34] =>
[category3] =>
[35] =>
[minihome0] =>
[36] =>
[minihome1] =>
[37] =>
[minihome2] =>
[38] =>
[minihome3] =>
[39] =>
[minihome4] =>
[40] =>
[minihome5] =>
[41] => 20
[wait] => 20
[42] =>
[minihome_id] =>
[43] => 2032-07-16
[use_period] => 2032-07-16
[44] => 0000-00-00
[hompi_end_date] => 0000-00-00
[45] =>
[mini_img1] =>
[46] =>
[mini_img2] =>
[47] =>
[mini_img3] =>
[48] =>
[mini_img4] =>
[49] =>
[first_out] =>
[50] =>
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[51] =>
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[52] => 0
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[53] => 0
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[54] => 0
[gu] => 0
[55] =>
[dong] =>
[56] =>
[etc1] =>
[57] =>
[etc2] =>
[58] =>
[etc3] =>
[59] =>
[etc4] =>
[60] =>
[etc5] =>
[61] =>
[etc6] =>
[62] =>
[etc7] =>
[63] =>
[etc8] =>
[64] => 0
[etc9] => 0
[65] => 0
[etc10] => 0
[66] =>
[minihome_link3] =>
[67] => 0000-00-00
[happy_schedule] => 0000-00-00
[68] => 0
[x_do] => 0
[69] => 0
[x_min] => 0
[70] => 0.0000000
[x_sec] => 0.0000000
[71] => 0
[y_do] => 0
[72] => 0
[y_min] => 0
[73] => 0.0000000
[y_sec] => 0.0000000
[74] => 0.000000000
[x_point] => 0.000000000
[75] => 0.000000000
[y_point] => 0.000000000
[76] => 0
[x_point2] => 0
[77] => 0
[y_point2] => 0
[78] =>
[daum_PanoId] =>
[79] =>
[daum_Pan] =>
[80] =>
[daum_Zoom] =>
[81] =>
[daum_Tilt] =>
[82] => 0
[admin_point] => 0
[83] =>
[detail_link] =>
[84] =>
[order_use] =>
[85] => 0
[order_time_start] => 0
[86] => 0
[order_time_end] => 0
[87] => 0000000
[order_day] => 0000000
[88] => 2024-05-02
[start_date] => 2024-05-02
[89] => 2024-12-30
[end_date] => 2024-12-30
[90] => 1000000000
[money_target] => 1000000000
[91] => 0
[people_target] => 0
[92] => 100000
[money_now] => 100000
[93] => 1
[people_now] => 1
[94] => 100
[count_sponsor] => 100
[95] =>
[introduction_img] =>
[96] =>
[introduction] =>
[97] => https://www.youtube.com/embed/zG7QzKteUwE
[video_url] => https://www.youtube.com/embed/zG7QzKteUwE
[98] => 320
[in_check] => 320
[99] => 0
[naver_blog_send] => 0
[100] =>
[inquiry_use] =>
[101] =>
[one_people_limit] =>
[102] =>
[investment_purpose] =>
[103] =>
[past_public_history] =>
[104] =>
[outside_investment_history] =>
[105] =>
[promotion_plan] =>
[106] =>
[criminal_record] =>
[107] => N
[criminal_record_check] => N
[108] =>
[president_debt] =>
[109] => N
[president_debt_check] => N
[110] =>
[litigate_history] =>
[111] => N
[litigate_history_check] => N
[112] => 0
[comp_value] => 0
[113] => 0
[stocks_currently] => 0
[114] => 0
[stocks_Issued] => 0
[115] => 0
[stocks_percentage] => 0
[116] => 0000-00-00
[issue_schedule] => 0000-00-00
[117] => 1000
[stock_price] => 1000
[118] => 0
[stock_acceptance_unit] => 0
[119] => 0
[stock_acceptance_price] => 0
[120] => 100
[stock_acceptance_unit_min] => 100
[121] =>
[hash_tag] =>
[122] => 0
[president_annual_income] => 0
[123] =>
[team_keyman_list] =>
[124] =>
[team_member_list] =>
[125] =>
[comp_introduction] =>
[126] =>
[127] =>
[ISIN] =>
[128] => N
[deduction_check] => N
[129] => none
[ksfc_sbscIssNo] => none
[130] => 01
[ksfc_pblSctsKnd] => 01
[131] => 20240603
[ksfc_rfnDt] => 20240603
[132] => 20240603
[ksfc_pmtDt] => 20240603
[133] => 1
[ksfc_pbloDspCd] => 1
[134] => 0
[icome_deduction] => 0
[135] => 1002754757163
[ksfc_payment_account] => 1002754757163
[136] => 김용현
[ksfc_payment_account_owner_name] => 김용현
[137] => 020
[ksfc_payment_account_code] => 020
[138] => 0000-00-00
[stock_input_schedule] => 0000-00-00
[139] => 0
[interest_rate_year] => 0
[140] =>
[interest_interval] =>
[141] => 0
[publish_stock_count] => 0
[142] => 0000-00-00
[expired_date] => 0000-00-00
[143] =>
[list_txt1] =>
[144] =>
[list_txt2] =>
[145] => 보통주
[stock_type] => 보통주
[146] => 테스트 투자포인트1
[inv_point1] => 테스트 투자포인트1
[147] => 테스트 투자포인트2
[inv_point2] => 테스트 투자포인트2
[148] => 테스트 투자포인트3
[inv_point3] => 테스트 투자포인트3
[149] => 스타트업, 성장형
[custom_flag] => 스타트업, 성장형
[150] => 0
[pep] => 0
[151] => 테스트회사
[links_com_name] => 테스트회사
[152] => /mallimg/2024/04/29/1714361019_finart_logo.png
[com_logo] => /mallimg/2024/04/29/1714361019_finart_logo.png
[153] => N
[del] => N
[154] =>
[p_user] =>
[155] => 1714361019
[shinhan_uniq_num] => 1714361019
[156] => a
[menu] => a
[0] => 0
[Count(*)] => 0
[1] =>
[Sum(point)] =>